Do dogs have good memories?

Do dogs have good memories?: Claudia Fugazza is an expert on canine cognition. She has conducted numerous studies using the “do what I do” technique, in which she teaches dogs how to mimic her.

She has gone further by teaching dogs some exercises and having them perform exercises they have not been taught.

Dr. Fugazza discovered that the dogs’ accuracy and performance decreased on untrained tasks but still performed them well.

This indicates that dogs can solve problems based on previous experience. This shows that dogs can learn from their past experiences and don’t “live in the present.”

Dr. Fugazza has published two studies: a 2016 study in Current Biology which showed that dogs have episodic memories, and a study in Scientific.

Reports published in 2020 revealed that dogs use episodic memory. In the 2020 research, Dr. Fugazza stated that dogs’ memories may fade with time, just like people.

However, dogs can only recall events or exercises for up to two minutes. Some have said that a dog is as intelligent as a child between 3 and 5 years old. [Do dogs have good memories?]

8 powerful dogs are best for their good memories

  1. German Shepherd
  2. Siberian Husky
  3. Labrador Retriever
  4. Golden Retriever
  5. Border Collie
  6. Poodle
  7. Rottweiler
  8. Doberman Pinscher

1. German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a breed that was developed by combining various sheepherding dog breeds. You would expect to see traits of a sheepherding dog, such as athleticism and a desire to chase anything that moves.

German Shepherds have also been used as police, personal protection, and military sentry dogs. So expect traits such as aloofness toward strangers and protective/territorial instincts.

This breed is also excellent at bomb and drug detection and can guide the blind. You would certainly expect high intelligence and self-confidence. [Do dogs have good memories?]

Do dogs have good memories?

2. Siberian Husky

The German Shepherd is a breed that was developed by combining various sheepherding dog breeds.You would expect to see traits of a sheepherder, such as athleticism and a desire to chase anything that moves.

Ask yourself, “What was the breed developed for?” What he was developed to do is likely “hard-wired” in his genes. Not perfectly, but most of the time.

German Shepherds have also been used as police, personal protection, and military sentry dogs. So expect traits such as aloofness toward strangers and protective/territorial instincts. [Do dogs have good memories?]

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3. Labrador Retriever

This breed will respond best to methods of positive reinforcement and your tone. These big, affable breeds are game-loving and respond to positive reinforcement methods.

The Labrador is a highly social dog by nature. Allowing your pet to run with other dogs will provide them with mental stimulation and an excellent workout. 

To keep your dog safe, training must be done. Be careful that your Labrador doesn’t get too carried away when they exercise, especially in their puppy years.

As natural-born swimmers, Labradors enjoy the water. This is an excellent form of exercise for dogs that are older or have joint problems. [Do dogs have good memories?]

Do dogs have good memories?

4. Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever’s expression of kindness says it all. This is one the best family dogs on the planet: cheerful, demonstrative and trustworthy.

This breed can adapt to any lifestyle if you give him two brisk daily walks, play fetch, and go for a run once a month.

His bark is more welcoming than protective. He’s friendly with all (children, strangers, dogs, cats and smaller pets).

It would help to control your child’s tendency to chew and mouth objects. Provide a box of toys for him to carry around. [Do dogs have good memories?]

5. Border Collie

This working farm dog has a hypnotic, fixed stare that he uses to creep up on sheep. Border Collies are intelligent dogs but can be difficult to live with.

The combination of his superior intellect and his intense and obsessive work ethic are what makes him so impressive – but also make him unsuitable to most homes.

This quick-thinking workaholic with sharp eyes has been bred to sprint and run for miles. This quick-thinking workaholic with sharp eyes has been bred to sprint and run for miles.

You can substitute a few LONG (45-minute) walks each day with off-leash runs in a safe place like a dog park.

Also, fetching frisbee or balls. Weekly classes in advanced agility or obedience (obstacle courses for dogs) are also included. This is a lot of work! [Do dogs have good memories?]

Do dogs have good memories?

6. Poodle

This is one of the most common myths about dogs. Poodles are often misunderstood as “sissy dogs” that look and behave like them.

Ignore the show-ring clips. You can clip poodles into normal, short-haired dogs that are easy to brush. They can fly over, under, and through obstacles with incredible grace and strength.

The Poodle is also the least shedding and hypoallergenic breed of all the coated breeds. Standard Poodles have a springy, elegant gait. 

The Standard Poodle excels in advanced obedience, which requires retrieving and jumping abilities, as well as in agility competitions. [Do dogs have good memories?]

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7. Rottweiler

The AKC Standard describes Rottweilers as “a calm and confident dog, with a self-assured aloofness, which does not lend itself readily to instant and indiscriminate friendships.

“Some Rottweilers can be serious, while others act like clowns. Rottweilers tend to be quiet and wait and see when exposed to new influences, such as strange sounds and sights.

This muscular dog requires space and exercise. He needs brisk daily walks, interactive romping sessions and regular chances to stretch and run.

Mental exercise is just as important. Mental exercises include advanced obedience, agility, and Schutzhund classes for Rotties from German Schutzhund lineages. [Do dogs have good memories?]

Do dogs have good memories?

8. Doberman Pinscher

In many countries, the breed is called Dobermann, with two ns after its founder, Louis Dobermann. The pinscher is tacked onto the breed name in the US and Canada.

This athletic dog requires brisk daily walks and as much running as possible. Lack of exercise and companionship can cause restlessness and behavioural problems.

This breed is just as intelligent and needs mental exercise. Socialization should begin early and be extensive to prevent either shyness or sharpness.

While some Doberman Pinschers love strangers and are friendly, the majority are reserved around them and protective towards their family.

Some Doberman Pinschers can be dominant around other dogs. Some Doberman Pinschers are cat-chasers, while others enjoy small animals. [Do dogs have good memories?]


Dogs, indeed, have good memories! They can form short-term and long-term memories, allowing them to remember commands, routines, and familiar people. Dogs can recall past experiences, especially those that are emotionally significant, and they often recognize their owners even after long separations.

Regular training and mental stimulation can further enhance their memory skills, making them loyal companions and quick learners. A dog’s memory is vital to their daily interactions and overall well-being. [Do dogs have good memories?]

1. Do dogs have good memories?

Ans: Dogs are known to be able to remember a lot, especially commands, routines and familiar people.

2. What kinds of memories can dogs have?

Ans: Dogs can retain both short and long-term memories. They can remember commands, places, and past experiences.

3. How much time can dogs remember?

Ans: Dogs can retain emotions and memories for many years, as well as specific commands.

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